Sunday, July 22, 2007

I: In Defense of Anarchy, Mr. Conklin Presents the Articles of Frustration

This is my blog. I am not exactly sure what I'm trying to do here, with these pixels of information that don't really exist physically, but if you bear with me perhaps it will make itself obvious at some point. There is going to be some serious extrospection, some acidic political raving, some benevolent religious theory, some horrible spelling and some very, very immature humor.

Time, while in reality a completely and utterly arbitrary pretension indigenous to human hubris, is measured in this part of the word by the amount of it that has passed since the birth of a man named Christ, who said allot of extremely sensible and intelligent things, made people feel allot better about themselves and their circumstances (an interesting word that literally means "the way one stands around"), and also did some things that were downright awesome and would generally get a person locked up and/or killed by the Wolves that Run Things, which is pretty much what happened to him, and we all know that story. Right now, the record of time reads that since his birth, it has been two thousand and seven years, seven months, twenty two days, ten hours, ten minutes, and ten seconds. A second is about as long as it takes to say "mississippi". A minute is sixty of those, an hour is sixty of those, a day is twenty four of those, a month is either twenty eight, thirty, or thirty on e of those, and a year is twelve of those. You can see that this is all completely ridiculous. None of this is important in any way whatsoever.

Also, in this part of the world, we live in a state of constant frustration caused by three things, which i will now document in no particular order. The first is a desperate attempt by all parties to adhere to the regulation of Time, which of course does not exist outside of our own minds and silly constructs. We must be always "on" Time. The amount of Time that has passed since the birth of Christ is constantly announced to us; on radios, on our monitors, on our communication devices, even on watches, which some people wear about their wrists in an attempt to constantly quantify how long ago they woke up, how much Time is going to pass before they are obligated to be at a certain coordinate, and so on.

This obligation is an important part of the second Article of Frustration; Money. Money is another artificial construct that among all the sentience of the earth is observed only in humans. Money is exchanged for goods or services, and the more of it you have, the finer goods and more immoral services you will be able to procure. The basic idea is that you are completely and even criminally worthless unless you have Money. For example, if you are discovered wandering around without enough Money to exchange for permission to sleep in a bed, you will be arrested and forcibly taken to a bed made of metal in a room made of concrete (which is a mixture of silica and water that hardens quickly and can be used to construct very ugly things) and forced to sleep there under pain of death (I'm not making this up). This is much less comfortable than sleeping, say, in a field or beneath a shelter of branches and leaves, as every other occupant of this planet is entitled and free to do. We humans, because of our occupation with Money, Time, and the third Article which will be discussed shortly, are unable to enjoy such comfort. Also, once you submit and agree to sell what remaining Time you have on the Earth (the amount of which is unknown of course) in exchange for Money, you aren't even allowed to keep it. You are expected to go around exchanging it like crazy, for shelter (which you can get for yourself without too much effort), food (which you can also get for yourself, theoretically, but these days you will need money even to do that without being locked up), and various other things that only have the power of necessity once you begin to have Money. Then, because in order to "make" money one must constantly be "on" time, you have to exchange a huge amount of it for a mode of transportation, which in turn requires a constant stream of money for its fuel and maintenance. In addition to that, the Wolves that Run Things have decided that you have to give them a percentage of your money, or else they will (guess what) lock you up. Back to the old metal bed in a concrete room, but this time because you have money and aren't giving it to them. This practice is also used by organized crime syndicates, and in a startlingly similar way, as i will now illustrate.

The Third Article of Frustration is Fear, and let me tell you, brothers and sisters, it is all lies. The organised crime syndicates i just mention operate thus: they go around hurting and scaring people. Then they approach these same people and offer protection from the hurting and scaring in exchange for money. Which of course is even more harmful and terrifying, since now you have to sell even more of your Time on earth at an even higher price (and the market can bear only so much!) in order to purchase protection from what you have been led to Fear.

Does this sound familiar?

What few realize and none act upon (at least here in Estados Perdidos) is that what you Fear is merely a construct of those that want your Money. They have cleverly built up this haze of things to Fear: terrorists ( a clever name for either a freedom fighter who happens to be a Muslim or a sociopathic mass murdered with a messianic complex who also happens to be a Muslin), bird flu (did you know that ALL flu comes from birds?), "predators" (which used to mean lions and shit but now means pathetic and confused people that are supposedly everywhere, under every bush, looking to rape your children and because of this we have forced our children not to walk to school or do anything independent of their parents and now look, they are all fat and unable to figure things out for themselves), and , worst of all, running out of Money. And what do they offer as a solution to these fears? Basically, give them your Money, which you have exchanged for your Time, and they will keep your Fears at bay.

Except they cant. Because the things that we SHOULD be in Fear of, things that happen regularly and naturally like Hurricanes, Earthquakes, and the like, are completely ignored by these Wolves while they use your Money to get themselves as much free Time as possible to spend doing pointless, self promoting, even horribly immoral things, all the while assuring you that thanks to your hard work (the amount of your life that you sold at absolutely no personal gain), they are winning the War on Terror, they are keeping the things that you Fear away from you. The "terrorists" are killing someone else, far away. The bird Flu is still only in Asia (but it could mutate at any time if we don't have enough money to stop it), and the predators are living at addresses that are available on your computer, so you can have your kids avoid them, except wait, they are supposedly everywhere, keep the kids inside!

Meanwhile one day you are going to be killed because you have a bunch of confused cells in your pancreas that suddenly attacked each other, or because it rained so hard that your house filled with water and you were stuck inside, or because you startled a bear, or stepped on a venomous snake, or because you didn't see that bus coming, or because you spent so much Time making Money to alleviate your Fear that you had none left, and it was your turn to leave. Or maybe you will be struck by lightning, or maybe, just maybe, a terrorist will decide to blow up your train because he is upset that his family was slaughtered when they stopped giving their Money to the Wolves, and now hes been living in Fear for so much Time that he has become very confused about who is fucking him and who is just like him, living in Fear of running out of Money and not having enough Time to get some more.