Saturday, August 18, 2007


im at work, its 1/4 to 10pm, and im bored. i started thinking about scars. ive got lots of them so i decided to list them in no particular order. i know this isnt the kind of thing that anybody gives a shit about but you know what? i dont give a shit about that. so without further ado...


1- location: right ankle

shape: crescent

size: .5''x.8"

color: white

orgin: a ceramic soapdish snapped off the wall of katelyn's old shower when i put my foot on it to wash my toes. the goddamned thing fell on my ankle and sliced it open so deep that i could clearly see my ankle bone. i didnt have insurance, so i put a bandaid on it and hoped for the best.

2-location: right shin

shape: just like Sardinia

size: 2"x1"

color: purplish

orgin: in 8th grade i tried to jump onto a lab table without using my hands. i left a wad of skin on the table edge and freaked out all the girls in the class. then i bled all over my new sox.

3- location: all over pelvic region, front and back

shape: slug shaped

size: varies, average 8"x1.5"

color: white

orgin: tried to fuck a badger. no, really. actually these are from a radical treatment for kidney disease in 99-01. you decide.

4- location: inside left bicep

shape: torpedo shaped with stitch marks visible lateraly

size: 2"x5"

color: dark purple

orgin: climbed a baseball backstop at cub scout camp (literaly the minute i got there). tried to reach over the top to grab a birds nest, and my feet slipped. the top of the chain link went into my arm and actually suspended me for a few seconds before i fell. when i got up i looked at my arm and there was fat pouring out of it, which is just disgusting if youve ever seen it. i then proceded to bleed all over the back of the scoutmasters car as he rushed me to the er, where a visible drunk orderly sewed me up. he did such a horrible job you can still see the stitch marks 20 years later. capital.

5- location: both armpits

shape: same as 4

size: same as 4

color: varies dramatically for some reason

orgin: i was in florida in 1991 and an aligator tried to eat a small puppy right in front of me. i was able to get the puppy away from the gator, but not without a fight. unfortunately, the puppy and the aligator both died, and i nearly bled to death and had to live off of rotten vegetation for a week as i dragged myself out of the swamp using only my chin. or, same as 4.

6- location left middle finger, tip

size: tiny

shape: like a tiny smile

color: barely visible.

orgin: i was building a dormer on a house in '01 and i got careless (i.e. stoned) with the nailgun and wound up with a 5" framing spike through my finger. i couldnt pull it out, so i cut the skin around it with my utility knife and it fell out. luckily, it was a brand new, galvanized nail. i didnt have insurance so i put duct tape on it and then went home, washed it out, and bandaided it. it healed suprisingly well and the scar is now so faint that i sometimes forget which hand its on.

well, thats it. i thought i had more than that. maybe i do and ive forgotten some. maybe not. the truth is i dont care, im bored. im going home in 15 minutes to drink a beer and then fall asleep so i can wake up and come back to work. god bless the republic. god damn the state.


Jess said...

Boy, you must have been bored! Funny thing, I have a scar on my ankle too from a ceramic soap dish snapping off of a shower wall. Mine happened when I was in 2nd grade or something and I was using the soap dish as a handle so that I could "ski" from side to side in the bath tub.

Jess said...

Oh yeah, it's my right ankle too