Saturday, September 8, 2007

avarice, hubris, and the death of the American Republic.

took this from

keep in mind; ya basta.

all italics and braket comments added by yours truly.

-mr. c.

The Threat

The threats to our freedom and well being posed by the ultra-wealthy are real and dire. Already there have been moves to criminalize any dissent and preparations have been made for the mass-arrest of Americans in the event of a popular uprising. Our economy is bulked up by trillions of dollars stolen over decades from the budgets of every executive branch agency and diverted through the black budget to front companies and operatives around the world who engage in the drug trade, human trafficking, terrorism and the merciless destruction of human dignity and potential. Disgustingly those same agencies then promote the institutions of policies that call for tapping more billions from taxpayers to combat the very problems they have engineered-all the while their controlling interests get richer and richer.

"Official" organizations such as the IMF and the WTO attempt to lock poor people around the globe into slavery to multinational corporations. In America multi-nationals close their manufacturing plants, service centers and other investments and move the jobs that once provided us with a thriving middle-class to other countries-countries that allow the abuse of workers and who provide a source of greater and greater wealth for the majority shareholders in those corporations. Meanwhile the very methods by which statistics are gathered to inform and educate the public are altered to produce positive sounding reports-while hiding the true costs of these disastrous policies. For instance the term "unemployed" obviously means without a job-but over the last decade that term has been redefined time and again to reflect ONLY those few who are actually drawing unemployment benefits and actively seeking work-creating an official lie using the old GIGO method-garbage in, garbage out.

At the top of the heap, we have a handful of ultra-wealthy families who communicate within a tightly controlled network of global insiders. Controlling somewhere between 40 and 60 Trillion dollars in global assets these are the people that the Bush Administration truly represent. Their ultimate goal, behind all of the rhetoric and posturing, is to centralize the control of the world’s resources while weakening the power of any government to stand in the way of a new corporate feudalism. To do this they seek to "drown the US government in a bathtub" and at the same time seek to cripple the ability of the UN, World Court and ICC to do anything to oppose their plans.

The primary tool that the ultra-wealthy have to control the American public is fear. Because the media are owned by the same interests who profit from conflict and bloodshed they tend to promote and exaggerate the dangers of the world while failing to examine the underlying causes. By selling FEAR on a massive scale the elites are able to ensure that a percentage of the population will become incapable of reason and will therefore accept whatever suggestions they are given by those who would control them.

By promoting discontent and instigating the desire for more and more goods, the elites create a demand for their useless products. By selling us all on the idea that being rich is the only goal worth having and that the world is a vicious and competitive place the elites pit us against one another as we jump through the hoops they have erected in a circle-all the while drawing their wealth from our efforts.

By rewriting the laws to their benefit the ultra-wealthy have helped to ensure that in business the biggest company will always have the advantage and will be able to destroy or absorb any competitor in time. They have also ensured that their personal wealth will continue to grow while they minimize their contributions to the maintenance of the nation. All the while the public relations teams who represent elite interests promote privatization as some kind of efficiency model-not as what it truly is-a scheme to milk trillions of dollars from the taxpayers. Trillions spent not on programs to help build a more just, sustainable and progressive society but spent on useless weapons systems or other overpriced and poor quality goods. The amount of "Welfare" that has gone to a handful of ultra-wealthy investors over the last ten years alone dwarfs all social spending-but they won't investigate and report those facts in the newspapers that they own or on the television channels that they control.

Their Plan for YOU
It is simple: first the inauguration of a forever war in which your children will be obliged to fight. In that process, they will be systematically dehumanized and traumatized into supporting any atrocity. Second, they will continue to instigate, allow or engineer increasingly dramatic "threats" in order to do away with the rule of law and institute widespread martial law and conscription. In order to bring about the conditions necessary for that they have to first ensure a global economic collapse happens on their timetable-so as to preserve their assets while plunging the global economy into a depression of the worst sort. The coming depression will create desperation for billions, who will then be ready to submit to a corporate feudal state as a necessity for survival. In short the plan that has been put into motion by the [removed so as not to pollute my goddamn blog] Administration and their allies leads to the destruction of democratic ideals, prosperity and peace-ultimately culminating in a world gripped by terror and controlled by an unimaginably wealthy class of arrogant and vain children. YOU will not be invited to their parties-but they may dangle that hope in front of you so that you devote your very life to the possibility of being included. They will make of you a slave.

The Facts:
"It's not a matter of whether the war is not real, or if it is, Victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible because of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle, the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia but to keep the very structure of society intact." -George Orwell

From birth American's are perhaps the most lied to and manipulated people that the world has ever seen [this is obvious hyperbole; one need only to consider the case of the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" (north korea) to understand the bizzare depths to which public consent can be drowned]. Manipulation of our behavior begins with the first cartoons we watch as children, cartoons designed to create a desire for plastic crap or unhealthy food. The lies and manipulation continue through our lives, with myths of patriotism and an idealized vision of "rugged individualists". These myths have served only to keep working and middle-class Americans pitted against one another while our bosses, politicians and the majority shareholders of American corporations sell us out.
The world's spiritual leaders have long pointed out that the root of all evil lies in selfishness. If we look around at our decaying communities, never ending warfare and rapidly dying environment with open eyes we will see that behind all of the problems, all of the ignorance and hatred, all of the waste and stupidity there lies a common cause.

Why is this so-called "war on terror" continuing long past even the duration of the Second World War?
Oil companies make billions, Arms manufacturers make billions, contractors with bloated paychecks make billions because of the drive towards "privatization" of all government duties-meaning the politicians want to make sure that their rich friends get richer by leeching off of the taxpayers. The thieves cripple the ability of our government to care for the poor and sick, educate our children and bring into being an age of compassion and productivity. Why?
Because the majority shareholders of these corporations are the same people who pay for the campaigns of the politicians and then hire their friends as lobbyists at huge salaries to continue getting more and more of YOUR money. Think about it-why does most everything you buy at Wal-Mart say 'Made in China"?
Those companies that USED to provide jobs (and tax revenue) to American's closed their plants and moved their corporate offices offshore to make more money for people who, by any reasonable estimate, already have too much. Greed has cost us our self-sufficiency as a nation and has weakened our ability to provide for our families and ourselves.
Why do the talking heads on television constantly harp about the benefits of "de-regulation", "globalization" and "privatization"?
Deregulation is like having a championship football team suddenly convince the commissioners to allow them to play without any rules at all. How nice for those few who have most of the power and money to be able to remove any protections for their workers, consumers and competitors-it creates a state of anarchy in the marketplace where only the most ruthless survive.
Privatization is nothing more than welfare for the rich. Think about it. Why do we pay a premium to companies to produce our military equipment at hugely inflated prices-prices that ensure that billionaire investors become even bigger billionaire investors? All at the expense of the taxpayers and the men and women in our military. We pay our taxes to provide for the national defense-but instead of hiring engineers and scientists directly to work in a unified department of defense with oversight and coordination we give away billions to rich people to manufacture systems that don't work and manage hospitals, bases and training that do little to help in the primary mission-but a lot to make the rich richer.

"What an impressive crowd: the haves, and the have-mores. Some people call you the elite, I call you my base." -George [name removed so as not to pollute my goddamn blog]

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